
Rare Metals and Recycling (RMR)

This symposium will focus on rare earths and other critical materials. Critical Materials (Rare Metals) are increasingly becoming a critical strategic resource since the global demand for several electronic devices, instruments, defense equipment, magnets, pollution control catalysts and most high-technology. In these days, critical materials become a hot issue due to its core role to the main element as well as its rarity. Since the rarity is determined not only by its amount existent in earth, but also the balance between the demand and supply, the assurance has been propelled in various manners, such as exploration of new ores, recycling, substitution, etc. The symposium will commence with overviews of those minerals considered critical.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)
  • Critical Material Strategies
  • Rare Earth Projects, Process Technologies, and Markets
  • Recycling
  • Environmental Issues
  • Separation of REEs – technology, chemical and physical feed specifications
  • Optical, photonic, electronic, magnetic and energy applications of REE-based materials
Invited speakers (tentative) include
  • Dr. Annett Gebert (IFW Dresden, Germany) : Recycling
  • Prof. Wei-Sheng Chen (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) : Recycling
  • Prof. Thru Sekino (Osaka University, Japan) : New Process
  • Soon-Jik Hong (Kongju National University, Korea) : Reuse
Symposium Organizers

Dr. Bum Sung KIM
Korea Institute for Rare Metals, KITECH, Republic of Korea.
Tel 82-32-458-5115, Fax 82-32-850-0304

Dr. Ryan OTT
Metals Development, Ames Laboratory (USDOE)
Tel 1-515-294 -3616
Fax 1-515-294-8727

Related journals
International Journal of
Refractory Metals and Hard Materials
Archives of Metallurgy
and Materials
Applied Surface
ISSN: 0263-4368 ISSN:1733-3490(Print)
ISSN: 0169-4332
SCIE (I.F. 2.155) SCIE (I.F. 0.571) SCI (I.F. 3.387)